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Please note that you are only permitted to use current screenshots in connection with coverage of the Directors Lounge and they must be used by March 31. For later use of these images, you must obtain permission from the copyright holder.
promotional pictures and flyers
flyer01 german, 72 dpi, jpg 
flyer05 german, 72 dpi, jpg

flyer02 german, 72 dpi, jpg

flyer04 german, 72 dpi, jpg

flyer02 german, 72 dpi, jpg

flyer04 german, 72 dpi, jpg

flyer03 german, 72 dpi, jpg
Gegenbilder. Mo. 14.02. 22 Uhr
Filmische Subversion in der DDR 1976 - 1989.
compiled by Claus Löser
Daß es in der Spätphase der DDR neben den offiziellen Bilderfabriken von Babelsberg (DEFA) und Adlershof (Fernsehen) auch eine lebendige filmische Subkultur gegeben hat, ist noch immer weithin unbekannt. more (german )

-Im Denkturm, col, 04:29 min

Was ist das?, col., 01:21 min

Asphalt, 37:47 min
78plus ist ein Kollektiv aus Computermusikern, Instrumentalisten und Videokünstlern.
Ausgangsbasis für die Arbeit des Ensembles ist die umfangreiche Schellackplatten-Sammlung
von Otto Jekel, ein in Wien lebender Maler, Illustrator und Photograph, zugleich Mastermind bei 78plus. Er versorgt die Klangtüftler und Produzenten Stephan Sperlich und Guenther Berger mit Texten und ausgewählten Schellacknummern. Diese wiederum entwerfen mit Samples aus dieser "Klangbibliothek" neue Tracks, die dann in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Schlagzeuger Erwin Schober und dem Kontrabassisten Philipp Moosbrugger zu neuen Songs geformt werden. Das Ergebnis sind nicht nur kritische Liebesklärungen an die Hits der ersten Hälfte des 20.Jahrhunderts: Chanson und Schlager, Diskurspop und Drum'n'Bass geben sich ein Stelldichein. mehr (PDF) mehr (web) |
The Bridge, col. 2 min 37 s
more screenshots
Vacarme ( 200 screenshots )
2005, bw, 10 minutes 57 seconds

home; col. 4min

BeHold, col. 4 min12 s |
Mariana Alcoforada

signs & lines, 1987, bw. 12 min 14s |
Angélica Chio
Eine neue Herausforderung bundesweit, 2004, col. 5 min
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A new challenge nationwide
The song of an anonymous, highly qualified job-seeker accompanies passers-by at a park in Berlin. Image, sound and text are assembled in the usual karaoke-video style. The lyrics are based on job-seeker online advertisements. The video invites to reflect about the present labour market’s demands in relation to the job-seeker situations, as
well as the historical relation between work and songs. more |
Claus Feldmann & Joachim Seinfeld

Die Imagonauten, 2003, 26 min ( high-rez-pictures ) more
Marina Foxley

ScrapMetal., 2004, bw. 5 min 25 s "And now, there is only to wait and listen to the ashes of the wind that lay down upon the shadow of Time.
Here, Time is suspended, yet, everything is moving.
Far, far away are all those piled up memories preparing to be shrouded into the depths of Time.
For, those scattered reflections of forgotten thoughts are whirling in this torrent of measure.
We are just floating remains in this current of dust.
Do we have to wait endlessly like this ? But what if another passer-by comes over and bothers our last hopes, should we raise anchor again and leave this mass of scrap metal?" back to top |

Le Jongleur, col. 9 min 50 s
Marina Foxley on the net |
Linda Fregni Nagler

Taken Over, col. 21 min 05 s back to top
A man and a woman spend their life in a big house, apparently not needing any contact with the world outside. Their repetitive life flows quietly, until, one day, some strange noises start scaring them, but they passively accept the situation just closing one door after another, reducing therefore their living space.
The noises get nearer, and the protagonists are suddenly pushed outside the house. |
Devis Venturelli
Anima Gemella, 2003, 1 min 50 s
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André Werner

A.Y.B.A.B.T.U., 2001, col. 11 min 25 s back to top |
André Werner

Ukiyo-e * , 1995, col. 8 min 20 s back to top |
Felice Wonnenberg
A turtle´s life in the middle-east
2003, 10 min back to top
A turtle´s life in the middle-east
The childhood memories of a Palestinian who was so jealous of the apparently so well protected turtles that he declared war on them is juxtaposed to the statements of an Israeli who can no longer bear the questions his German girlfriend keeps asking him for a film about terror attacks.
(text by „Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen“, translation F.Wonnenberg)
An experimental documentary about fear and how to deal with it after a terror attack.
The basis of the film is the childhood memory of a Palestinian, in which the need of protection turned into perverted and absurd violence. The child opposed its seeming enemy, the turtle. „I declared war on turtles...Until they were dead. Then I‘d be very satisfied. “Contrasting this are an Israeli‘s angry comments, who cannot stand his German girlfriend questioning him about terror attacks anymore. Images of a group of nervous birds and architectural shots of a prison relay the fear that the narrators struggle to repress. The film ends in bitter words contrasting with pictures representing hope. But this is no mental surrender, because in the encounters of the voices and the images originates the quest to the sources of the other‘s fear and the fear of the other. The end of the film does not conclude, but makes us open towards one another.
In style the film shows its means. Those interviewed curse the filmmaker‘s questions. The filmmaker shows her subjectivity. The banality of terror deprives us of the word and the image.
Dror was seriously injured by a terrorist bomb ( in the explosion at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, July 2002) His experience was the catalyst for making this film. On viewing the piece, he said that he liked the animals, especially the lame pelican. They, he said, showed the mercy lacking in those involved in the Middle East conflict and with interested third parties. I also feel that the film‘s main point is thus articulated: human values must not be supersided by political values.
(text by Felice Wonnenberg) |