• news archiv teil 1 • Directors Lounge presents: a summer evening with ... photographic impressions from recent summer-screenings now on richfilm richfilm productions and Directors Lounge proudly announce: august 6th 4pm Lorenzo Oggiano and Tanja Puustelli at interference read more july 27th 10pm worldwide world premiere New on Directors Lounge television Masha Godovannaya, Katherin McInnis, Andreas Rost and Silke Witzsch Harry Jo Weilenmann, artist, curator, founder of the Kunstsalon Wilde Gans and appreciated sponsor of Directors Lounge 2006, was one of the most light-hearted beings of the Berlin art scene. Harry Jo Weilenmann died at the 6th of june Team Directors Lounge
Fanhall Studio spreading the spirit of independence in Chinese cinema impressions from the Directors Lounge 2006 some pictures from the Directors Lounge 2006 visit placeboKatz for your daily dose of news and gossip • more news • current news • news archiv part 2
Joppel-Bürkle IT,SIEBENGRUENDE, IF Museum/Inner Spaces, Fanhall Studio |